Family Engagement - EDFN 492/592 - Fall 2024
Ended Dec 19, 2024
Full course description
Course Overview
Read through the information below carefully before enrolling. For further information, please consult the FAQ linked at the top of this page.
Course Description
Welcome to the online course: "Family Engagement 101 Fall Term 2024." I am Morgan VonHaden, Director of the South Dakota Statewide Family Engagement Center (SDSFEC), which is part of the Community and Family Services Division at Black Hills Special Services Cooperative. Family Engagement in Education is my passion. At SDSFEC, we know that when families and schools work together, students do better. I look forward to our time together during this course so you, too, can see the power of family engagement for your students.
Course Goals
- Objective #1 - Participants will gain an understanding of the basics of family engagement based around the core values of family engagement.
- Objective #2 - Participants will gain an understanding of research-based family engagement strategies they can incorporate into their classrooms and school buildings.
- Objective #3 - Participants will develop an action plan or activity around family engagement to be implemented into their classroom or school building during the 2024-25-school year.
Estimated Time: 14-16 Hours (Two Days)
This self-paced course typically requires 14-16 hours to complete, though the actual time may vary based on individual factors.
Access and Credentials
Click on "enroll now" to begin enrolling in the Course listing. After registering, click on “Canvas” at the top of the page to access your course in Canvas.
Bulk Enrollment
Administrators, PLC leaders, and others can enroll their whole team; there's an option for bulk enrollment in the Catalog for registering multiple members. You first need to reserve and purchase multiple enrollments. After that, you can invite individuals to your purchased seats.
Credentials: 1 Undergraduate or 1 Graduate Credit
After completing this course, you can obtain 1 undergraduate or 1 graduate credit. Credit often costs an additional small charge to the university for both members and non-members. This credit is offered through the University of South Dakota. Information on this is available within the course itself.