
Family Engagement 101 (EDFN 492/592) Fall2025

Aug 25, 2025 - Dec 9, 2025
45 points


Full course description

Course Description

Research shows that when families and schools work together, everyone benefits. Most importantly, students feel safe to learn, to explore, and to grow. Family Engagement is a buzzword in education, but what does it really mean? In this course, participants will explore the answer to that question as they practice multiple strategies that can be used to build relationships with families while learning how to leverage their strengths in order to support their child, their classroom, and their school. In addition to strategies, participants will explore the latest research around family engagement and gain access to research-based tools for immediate use within classrooms.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will gain an understanding of the basics of family engagement based around the core beliefs of family engagement.
  • Students will gain an understanding of research-based family engagement strategies through reflecting, connecting, and collaborating with strategies that can be incorporated into their classrooms and/or practiced in school building settings.
  • Students will develop an action plan or activity around family engagement to be implemented in their classroom or within school building cultures.

Course Dates & Location

August 25, 2025-Dec 9, 2025; Online, asynchronous. This self-paced course will be hosted in Canvas. Note: Those who take this course for graduate credits will also complete a final virtual presentation to classmates and instructors.

Enrollment Options

All students must enroll in this Canvas course even if they choose to take it for undergraduate or graduate credit through the University of South Dakota (USD)! Those taking this course for 45 CECH/CEU only need to register with Canvas. Those wishing to take this course for three graded college credits must also register and pay with USD. Links to enroll and pay are below:

Undergraduate: EDFN 492 UE1 79566 Family Engagement 101

Graduate: EDFN 592 UE1 79567 Family Engagement 101

Sign up for this course today!
