
Foundations of Well-Being

Time limit: 365 days

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Full course description

Course Overview

Read through the information below carefully before enrolling. For further information, please consult the FAQ linked at the top of this page.

Course Description

Research supports that the classroom teacher is the single most significant contributor to student achievement; yet 85% of teachers report work-life imbalance affecting their ability to teach. This course provides an opportunity for educators to learn about and apply key concepts related to well-being in order to support and enhance their self-care journey as they continue to support their students to learn, achieve, and grow.

Book Required: The Gifts of Imperfection

To participate in this, you will need to obtain a copy of The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

Course Goals

  • Maintaining and enhancing your health;
  • Increasing your effectiveness;
  • Ensuring your practices are sustainable;
  • Improving your relationships with students, families, colleagues, and the larger community.

Estimated Time: 14-16 Hours (Two Days)

This self-paced course typically requires 14-16 hours to complete, though the actual time may vary based on individual factors.

Access and Credentials

Click on "enroll now" to begin enrolling in the Course listing. After registering, click on “Canvas” at the top of the page to access your course in Canvas.

Free for Members

This course is a TIE Member course. It is free for educators from TIE Member schools with a code. If you do not know your code, please use the link at the top of this page to reach out and request it. 

Bulk Enrollment

Administrators, PLC leaders, and others can enroll their whole team; there's an option for bulk enrollment in the Catalog for registering multiple members. You first need to reserve and purchase multiple enrollments. After that, you can invite individuals to your purchased seats.

Credentials: 15 CECH or 1 Graduate Credit

After completing this course, you can obtain 15 CECH or 1 graduate credit. Graduate credit costs an additional small charge to the university for both members and non-members. CECH/CEUs are free of charge and can be obtained instantly upon completing all requirements. More information can be found in the FAQ at the top of this page.